Rainbows or Race Cars?

I read this GREAT blog today…


I really applaud these parents for loving their 5 year old for who he really is, whatever that may be…what a lucky little guy and what lucky parents!  Oh and make sure to read PART II of this, because the dad is ADORABLE.
Since I’m a mom now, I think about my son’s future CONSTANTLY. I wonder if Max will be a dancer like mama and dada, I wonder if he’ll be…rich, smart, gay, successful, HAPPY, healthy, etc. The other day when we were at my parents house, Max pointed to my old barbie.  My mom said, “I think he wants that truck”….and I said, “No, I think he wants the barbie” and I gave it to him. He also asks for the truck or the basketball, or the tupperwares…so who knows!  I want Max to be who he IS and for those who help raise him not MOLD him into something he is not. I want to encourage him to GRAB ONTO WHAT MAKES HIM HAPPY. After all, what’s the most important thing you can wish upon your children? HAPPINESS AND HEALTH.

I even get defensive when people try to make him use his right hand when he wants to use his left. He’s only one! He’s still realizing he has fingers! As you can see, I’m ready to take off my earrings and throw it down for my little man. That definitely won’t change when he’s older and his choices become more complicated.

I pretend to be annoyed, well sometimes it is annoying…hhahah, when my dad and Max play CHEERLEADER. Yes there are these pompom type things at their house and their favorite game is, “give me an M!!! give me an A!!!! give me an X”. I’m glad that my dad isn’t thinking about, “Oh, this is too girly”. Do whatever’s fun for crying out loud. If Max wants to take ballet like C.J here in this blog, so be it. Straight boys cheer (aka NICK…well he didn’t use poms like Max..hahaha), straight boys dance ballet, straight boys can play with barbies…and so do gay boys. Whether Max wants to be a basketball player, dancer, or accountant…WE WILL ENCOURAGE AND LOVE HIM NO MATTER WHAT. Easier said than done I know. Especially when that day comes when he asks, “hey ma, I wanna play football”…which I hope he doesn’t want to, CUZ OUCHHHH…or “Mom, I wanna join the math club”…SAY WHAAAAT….are you sure you don’t want to take Breakin for beginners??!?!?! Hehehe.
And when we have a girl someday (hopefully…maybe…)…when she’s old enough to choose, she can wear all the blue, pink,  or all the green she wants.  As long as it compliments her skin tone. Duh.

What will you be when you grow up little baby?  🙂

1 Comment

Filed under BABY, The world

One response to “Rainbows or Race Cars?

  1. Tu

    Anna! AMEN! You’d think we live in the stone ages with what people say about how we raise our kids these days. Thank you for being a great Mom. For choosing HAPPINESS and HEALTH! 🙂

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